Category: Power BI

Automate your Power BI Reports Deployment using Azure DevOps
Automate your Power BI Reports Deployment using Azure DevOps
Blog Posts

This article will guide you through the implementation of CI/CD pipelines using Azure DevOps. This will enable you to deploy your local report to your Power BI service automatically. To show you how it works, I will use an extension called Power BI Actions, available for free on the Visual Studio marketplace. Azure Portal Create a… READ MORE

Power Pivot and Power BI
Power Pivot and Power BI

Microsoft PowerPivot is a free add-on to Excel from Microsoft that allows users to produce new kinds of reports and analyses that were simply impossible before, and this book is the first to tackle DAX formulas, the core capability of PowerPivot, from the perspective of the Excel audience. Download 2 Chapters: 8 – CALCULATE() –… READ MORE

Currency Conversion in Power BI Reports
Currency Conversion in Power BI Reports
Blog Posts

Currency conversion applied to BI reports can include many different scenarios. Data in multiple currencies, report with a single currency Data in multiple currencies, report with multiple currencies Data in a single currency, report with multiple currencies The rule of thumb is to apply the currency exchange conversion upfront. Therefore, it is a good idea… READ MORE

Creating a Send-smile-component for Power Apps using Power BI and Application Insights
Creating a Send-smile-component for Power Apps using Power BI and Application Insights
Blog Posts

Early February we released an exciting new feature that enables you to add telemetry logging to your application using Application Insights. That blog post can be found here: This blog post is a walk through for getting that running specifically for creating a send a smile experience from your Power Apps. You can also find… READ MORE

New Features Coming to Power BI in 2020
New Features Coming to Power BI in 2020
Blog Posts

In late January, Microsoft published the Power Platform: 2020 release wave 1 plan which lists all the new features that are targeting a release date before the end of 2020. The Power Platform ecosystem currently includes several different products that work reasonably well together and enable “users and organizations to analyze, act, and automate on the data to… READ MORE

Applied Microsoft Power BI- Introducing Power BI
Applied Microsoft Power BI- Introducing Power BI

This book introduces information workers, data analysts, IT pros, and developers to Microsoft Power BI — a cloud-hosted, business intelligence and analytics platform that democratizes and opens BI to everyone. Access Chapter 1: Introducing Power BI here. Book contents: Get insights from popular cloud services on any device! Implement sophisticated personal BI models! Enable team… READ MORE