ESPC18 Keynote – Be the Lord of Your OWN Rings

Check out Dona Sarkar’s keynote below:

Be the Lord of Your OWN Rings

Keynote Description:

Have you ever wanted to be the Lord of the Rings? Well, today’s the day! You’ll learn how to run your OWN “Insider Program” within your organisation and use data backed decisions to be confident you’re ready for the next version of Windows (and other products).  We’ll show you how we flight early builds of Windows, get pre-release feedback and talk to our community…and we’ll show you how you TOO can do the same within your organisation with a bunch of new tools that we can’t talk about publicly yet. You’ll hear from Insiders who did this in a way that was so legit and supported that they even told their bosses about it and emerged as tech heroes. BONUS: If you attend our session, you’ll have the opportunity to enter your organisation into a contest to win a visit from our team.
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