Consuming the Microsoft Graph and 3rd Party APIs with SPFx

In February 2018 Microsoft released under preview the capability to securely consume the Microsoft Graph and any 3rd party APIs from the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) through OAuth and Azure Active Directory. In this session we will talk about the architecture of this new capability and we will see how to practically consume both the Microsoft Graph and any 3rd party APIs from within SPFx. Moreover, we will see how to build with Microsoft .NET a 3rd party API that can be securely consumed by SPFx. The target audience of this session are SPFx developers that already know the basics, and that want to deep dive into this new enterprise-level great capability of SPFx. 

Benefits of Attending this Session: 

  1. Understand the architecture of the API consumption model in SPFx 
  2. Learn how to consume both the Microsoft Graph and any 3rd party APIs 
  3. Learn how to build your own 3rd party API with Microsoft .NET  
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