Free eBook – Measuring the Intangible SharePoint Social ROI

Measuring Social ROI by Ant Clay

The European SharePoint Community are delighted to bring you “Measuring the intangible SharePoint Social ROI”  by Ant Clay.

‘Intangible’ is defined as ‘difficult to define or describe clearly, but nonetheless perceived’. So let me ask you a question:

“What is the most intangible set of features in SharePoint?”
It may be a hard one to call, but based on my experience, ‘social’ is definitely up there! Everyone is wrestling with how to prove the real value that most of us instinctively know exists in delivering SharePoint social feature, but how do we measure SharePoint Social ROI?

This eBook strives to answer that question and arm you with a range of insights and techniques that you can use today.

Download this free eBook now>>

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