What Hardware do You Need to Perform Typical Functions on SharePoint 2013?

In this screencast I wrote out some Typical Functions. I took my existing PowerShell automation script (from my book) and performed few operations to compare how long would it take to execute those operations on SP2010 and SP2013 preview.
Some of the operations I looked at are:

Uninstall existing solution
Removing existing solution
Adding new solution
Installing solution
Deleting existing site collection
Provisioning team site on a root site collection
Provisioning team site on a site col under the “sites” managed path
Provisioning team site web
Provisioning term set structure of 2 terms
Check out the video to see how SP2013 stacks up to SP2010 running on pretty much the same hardware (OS and SQL is different).


This blog was first published by MVP Yaroslav Pentsarskyy. Check out our resource centre for more SharePoint content from Yaroslav and other SharePoint specialists!


Typical Functions with Yaroslav Pentsarskyy

Typical Functions with Yaroslav Pentsarskyy

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