Maintaining the Balance – the Yin and Yang of Employer Image

Maintaining The Balance

Maintaining The Balance

Sometimes, it’s hard to see one’s own reflection, especially when we focus too much on other things that are going on around us. As soon as the speed increases, we tend to forget ourselves and how we feel. If continued too long that can lead to the stage where we lose ourselves into the rush and don’t know any more who we are.

This article is not about well-being in an individual level but in an organizational level. And more specifically, about internal employer image. What is that? We might know what employer image is, and how important is to look as a good employer for the audience i.e. potential employees. We want to have the best talent, right? And keep up our brand shining? External employer image is important, for sure, but often is forgot that the internal and external employer image should be in balance, just like yin and yang.

There’s often the concept of employer branding in the same discussion with employer image, and they are basically same concepts. However, the branding is the action that the company does to achieve the certain kind of employer image. Both are positive concepts as long as we understand the value of the yin and yang.

What does this mean actually? The internal and external employer image consist of different attributes (see picture below). Simply put, external image consists of the qualities you promise to have communicated by different methods (recruitment advertising, website, social media etc.). The internal image are the qualities that determine if you are a good employer (leadership, compensation, putting effort into learning and development). The qualities you truly have.

INTERANL - EXTERNAL: Maintaining the Balance

INTERANL – EXTERNAL: Maintaining the Balance

Compare this to a marriage. You get attracted, fall in love with the qualities of the partner and decide to commit. Yes, there’s the honeymoon and for few months everything is amazing. But the true quality of the partnership – here the employer-employee commitment – is measured during the time. It is the time that forms the diamonds. Diamonds are forever, right? The point is that you should keep your promise and treasure that.

How can the technology help in this relationship if it’s that to be called? There are several ways to enhance internal communication by using Microsoft technologies such as Yammer and Delve, and by sharing internal blog posts and videos all over the organization. Improve the organization to work in a horizontal rather than a vertical level and give everyone the voice if they want to shout out loud or whisper. As a SharePoint admin, I cannot stress too much the importance of sharing ideas, best practices, and praising people without forgetting to encourage, encourage and encourage. The tools are there for a happier organization. It’s the question how to use them to serve your organization’s well-being the most.

And the bravest question is: Are you ready slow down, set the pace and to look yourself in the mirror?


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About the author Noora Hakkarainen:

Noora Haakkarainen

Noora Hakkarainen (M.Sc., Economics & Business Administration and B.Soc.Sc.) is an expert in challenging platform implementations where change and user commitment are in a key role. She works as Web Service Specialist, ICT, in Lassila & Tikanoja Plc., which is a service company focusing on Environmental Services, Industrial Services, Facility Services and Renewable Energy Sources.
In her current role, Noora is responsible for developing and implementing online and digital solutions for businesses and customers. She is a hybrid of a nerd, a communications specialist and a solution developer, who wants to keep the customer’s and end user’s glasses on.
Solution wise, Noora’s expertise focuses on O365, SharePoint, Yammer and InfoPath. She is used to working in complex and changing business environments in big corporations, especially in projects focusing on intranets, web sites and collaboration tools. Nowadays, she is building modern solutions for customer service.
Outside work, Noora is writing a book about recruitment in social media. In addition to writing and journalism, Noora’s passions are cooking, sports and travelling.

Specialties: Change management; User-adoption; Social-business; Digital-business; Collaboration; Intranet; Web Development; Customer Service; Social media; Social recruitment

You can follow Noora on Twitter here and you can find her in LinkedIn..
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