Recording: Understand the SharePoint Product Catalog

After migrating to SharePoint 2013, you may have chosen to completely ignore the new Product Catalog feature now available. Granted, the name of the feature can be very misleading, suggesting it is only usable to build product-centric websites on SharePoint. However, I’ll be the first one to say that SharePoint is not an eCommerce site. I mean, of course you can do anything you want with SharePoint, but there are things out there that are a lot better for building an eCommerce. So I have been on a quest to show off the SharePoint Product Catalog and how you can easily use it to build other things like Intranets, Extranets and yes Websites.

I started with a few blog posts:

And a few more on a WebPart used with the Catalog:

Recording the SharePoint Product Catalog Webinar

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to present at the SharePoint Saturday New Hampshire and showcase the Product Catalog. Due to the popularity of the session and the questions I got from it, I decided to share it with everyone. So I did an online webinar and recorded it. Hope this provides some insight on this feature. Definitely should not be ignored when migrating to SharePoint 2013.

View Video Here>>

Benjamin Niaulin talked about this topic at ESPC14. Do you have any questions for Benjamin? If so please leave a comment below.

In the meantime for more information on search visit out SharePoint resource centre where Benjamin and other leading experts answer your questions on search.

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