Webinar: Improving the SharePoint Experience with Insights from Web Analytics (with Joel Oleson)

In this webinar presented by Intlock and SharePoint Evangelist Joel Oleson, gain a deeper vision on SharePoint Portals, looking at content, users, browsers, operating systems, locations, mobile, and social. Search metrics indicate how to understand and improve your SharePoint portal.  Further explored are design concepts and improvements in SharePoint 2013 that address your SharePoint needs, based on usage analytics. User engagement methods within the portal in real time are examined so you can ensure user satisfaction by understanding their needs.  Intlock also presents a demo of a leading SharePoint web analytics tool, CardioLog Analytics.

If you have any questions on the above webinar, please leave a comment below. Intlock were signed up as silver exhibitors for ESPC14.


Joel Oelson on Web Analytics

Joel Oelson on Web Analytics

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