Tag: Advantages

The Advantages of a Rapid SharePoint Intranet Deployment
The Advantages of a Rapid SharePoint Intranet Deployment
Blog Posts

Intranet projects can take a long time to complete. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, the average intranet project lasts approximately 1.4 years, or 17.3 months. Although this data is based on a small number of projects, it is a figure which has remained steady for the past few years. Anecdotally, that figure seems about… READ MORE

Why an Intranet Solution Must Support Your Content Managers
Why an Intranet Solution Must Support Your Content Managers
Blog Posts

Great intranets thrive on high quality content. Employees need to be able to access up to date, relevant and well-written content which helps them carry out their role and stay informed. Without valuable content your intranet solution will not be a success. Meet the content manager community Most modern intranets work on a decentralised publishing… READ MORE