Tag: Azure Week

How to Deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates with GitHub Actions
How to Deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates with GitHub Actions
Blog Posts

In my previous post, I showed you how to connect a GitHub Action workflow to your Azure Subscription using the Azure login (azure/login) action. This article will show you how to deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates using GitHub Actions. Our demo will implement the Azure infrastructure deployment of the whiteducksoftware/sample-mvc application using a GitHub Action workflow. The… READ MORE

Working with Azure Monitor Rest API
Working with Azure Monitor Rest API
Blog Posts

It might be an edge case, or you are creating your own integration. But chances are, after fiddling around with Azure Monitor Rest API, you encounter a situation where you would have work with its API.Personally, I have numerous situations over the last years, that required me to integrate directly with Azure Management APIs In this… READ MORE

Overview of the Security Principle for Success in Azure
Overview of the Security Principle for Success in Azure
Blog Posts

Information Security Principle is a critical part of your IT operations. Cyberattacks and carelessness can harm the operations and reputation of your business, possibly threatening its survival. Via your systems and data, attackers can also do damage to your customers and business partners. On the other hand, good information security can help you maintain the… READ MORE

Getting Started with Azure ARM Templates
Getting Started with Azure ARM Templates
Blog Posts

The first time I heard about JSON and Azure ARM templates together with Azure in the same sentence, was in Chicago at Microsoft Ignite back in 2015. My first thought was, what are they all talking about? This was of course during the shift from Azure “classic” which was based on XML, to Azure “Resource… READ MORE

All the Ways to Run Containers on Azure
All the Ways to Run Containers on Azure
Blog Posts

Containers are no longer the best kept secret in IT. Practically everywhere I go, I hear of organizations using containers for everything from small projects to mission critical 24×7 applications with 99.999% uptime SLA’s. These kinds of projects all have a myriad of different requirements and drivers that go into making the decision of where… READ MORE

Exploring Azure DevOps APIs
Exploring Azure DevOps APIs
Blog Posts

Azure DevOps API has everything you need to build your software product from envisioning to put in into end-users’ hands. The Azure-hosted DevOps services can enable your end to end product delivery with excellent traceability across the teams.  Azure DevOps provides you the ability to plan your project using agile tools, manage your source code… READ MORE