Tag: CDN

Purge Azure CDN with Event Grid and Azure Automation
Purge Azure CDN with Event Grid and Azure Automation
Blog Posts

In this post, I demonstrate how to automatically purge content from an Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) using Event Grid and Azure Automation.  I am writing this post with two audiences in mind.  First, if you have a CDN and need to purge old content every time content is updated or removed from a source,… READ MORE

How to configure an Azure CDN
How to configure an Azure CDN
Blog Posts

A Content Delivery Network, or CDN, is a globally distributed network for delivering, well, content.  Content can include images, videos, CSS and any other asset used for providing web services.  The advantages to a CDN include: caching data closer to the users to increase web site performance, improving reliability by leveraging a global caching network… READ MORE