Tag: DevOps

Building a Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps for Logic Apps
Building a Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps for Logic Apps
Blog Posts

Azure DevOps is increasingly used to automate the Release Pipeline of solutions to the cloud. In this context, I would like to report my recent experience by developing continuous integration and delivery for logic apps, hoping that it will be useful to someone else. Logic Apps is one of my favorite resource on Azure because… READ MORE

Deploy AKS and Traefik with an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline
Deploy AKS and Traefik with an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline
Blog Posts

This post is a companion to the following GitHub repository:https://github.com/gbaeke/aks-traefik-azure-deploy. The repository contains ARM templates to deploy an AD integrated Kubernetes cluster and an IP address plus a Helm chart to deploy Traefik. Traefik is configured to use the deployed IP address. In addition to those files, the repository also contains the YAML pipeline, ready… READ MORE

Automated deployment for SharePoint Framework scripts available on Powershell gallery
Automated deployment for SharePoint Framework scripts available on Powershell gallery
Blog Posts

I published two scripts on Powershell gallery in order to help automated deployment of a SharePoint Framework solution: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/VSTS.DeploySPFxToO365CDN https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/VSTS.DeploySPFxToAppCatalog The first script basically collects automatically the bundle publishing it on Office 365 CDN, while the second across the SharePoint ALM API is able to upload the package of the solution in the App Catalog.… READ MORE

Efficient Model for Microsoft based DevOps on Cloud
Efficient Model for Microsoft based DevOps on Cloud
Blog Posts

We all have in recent times have been in a situations where we need to decide if any business application need to move to cloud. Have we not been talking about devops for long? Microsoft is moving into the DevOps space and they have an Ace up their sleeve. Learn from Azhar Amir an efficient Model for Microsoft based DevOps on Cloud.