What’s the new Microsoft Viva Employee Experience Platform?

What’s the New Microsoft Viva Employee Experience Platform? - read here

In this post I give an overview on Microsoft Viva and explain on a high level what it is. Microsoft revealed Viva on February 4th, 2021 as their integrated employee experience platform (EXP). It is intend to be single integrative platform for employees within Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams.

As of now, referencing on the Microsoft resources, there are many platforms for employees’ developmenttraining and well-being. However, Microsoft states that these solution are mostly fragmented, not that tightly integrated and therefore disruptive to employees’ daily work routines and work flows. Plus, the mentioned fact that more and more people were starting or forced to work remotely (due to pandemic), many started to feel (and be) less connected.

What are the goals of Microsoft Viva?

To keep it short, the employee experience platform (EXP) has three major goals:

  • Feel (more) connected (to each other)
  • Be more supported
  • Bring their best selves to work

What is included in Microsoft Viva?

It will consists of several, let’s call it, service modules which are

  • Viva Connections | Single entry point via Microsoft Teams for employee engagement and internal communication
  • Viva Insights | Tips for employees’ well-being (“[…] personalized and actionable privacy-protected insights […]”)
  • Viva Learning | Collaborative and communicative learning platform with artificial intelligence (AI)-based learning recommendations
  • Viva Topics | company-wide AI-powered content and experience service (~company-wide AI-based knowledge base)

Viva is planned to be rolled out in approximately 3-6 months from now, as what’s stated in the official announcement blog.

Conclusion, opinion and summary

Microsoft positions itself in the market for employee experience services. The target seems to be ambitious, to provide a more seamless, integrated and less disruptive user experience for all people in companies (e.g. HR, CxO, managers, co-workers) whereas other market players offer services but not as tightly integrated, as to what Microsoft is stating. The idea of Microsoft’s single EXP, which also could allow other services to get into, could be very helpful and also leverage Microsoft Teams as hub for teamwork a step further. If the plan works out, (all) users could be less distracted, do not need to switch apps and start right away using Microsoft Teams for all employee matters as one-stop-shop. Let’s await its release and availability the nexts months to check out more as soon as possible. To stay ahead and informed you can follow the Microsoft Viva Blog.

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About the Author:

Hello there, thank you for visitng my personal tech blog. I’m Erik and I’m passionate about communication and collaboration technology, especially regarding Microsoft 365 and Teams. As a Senior Technology Consultant @abtis I deliver technology consulting primarily on communication and collaboration services.


Kleefeldt, E. (2021). What’s the new Microsoft Viva Employee Experience Platform? Available at: https://erik365.blog/2021/02/08/whats-the-new-microsoft-viva-employee-experience-platform/ [Accessed: 24th February 2021].

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