SharePoint Reviews – Workshop Review: SharePoint 2013 Workshop for Developers, Presented by Sahil Malik

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars, Reviewed by Bjørn Furuknap at the European SharePoint Conference,

Workshop for Developers by SahilmalikSahil is a seasoned presenter and trainer and showed what that can do for a full-day presentation on the first day of the European SharePoint Conference. Sahil’s quirky approach to presenting thaws up any room, and it didn’t take long before his characteristic humor had the room laughing.

You can’t learn SharePoint by laughing, though, but Sahil doesn’t disappoint in the knowledge department either. Don’t let him know this, but I believe Sahil is one of the most knowledgeable people on the SharePoint 2013 scene.

What’s more important is how that knowledge transmits into learning for the audience. Sahil manages to convey his incredible skillset in easily digestible chunks and in a way that is easy to follow. Although the presentation and workshop is rehearsed, you get the impression that he has also rehearsed all the questions from the audience, because he answers smoothly and accurately, again in a way that makes people understand what he is saying.

To me, a key factor in evaluating a presentation is whether the presenter simply gulps up Microsoft messaging. I can’t imagine anything as boring as hearing yet another marketing message that doesn’t make sense to anyone that has been in the field for more than a day.

Sahil, however, is not afraid of telling things like they really are, regardless of what any official messaging may be. If nothing else, that speaks to an honest approach, but combined with Sahil’s abilities and knowledge, you have a winning combination of honest and informed opinions.

If you have not seen Sahil present, your SharePoint developer life is not complete.

Microsoft messaging rating: Perfect

More from Sahil:

Upcoming training on May 27th in Oslo on “SharePoint 2013 and Office 365: End to End for Developers

Visit to get in touch with Sahil and to read his blog.

SharePoint Reviews were Media Partners at ESPC13.

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