Secure and harden Power Automate flows in the enterprise

“Everyone but the kitchen sink can create Power Automate flows” is what the marketing message wants us to believe. From the real world we know that it takes training and experience to create good flows, but how do you create secure Power Automate flows? Can a low-code workflow platform go hand in hand with enterprise-level security?

Yannick believes we could and should do much better. He will show you the possibilities for security improvements, how to harden your implementations and make your Chief Information Security Officer sleep better at night. Key vaults, security principals, secure environment variables and much more… they might not always be perfect in Power Platform but they will get you a long way in your journey to be secure.

Attendees will walk away with an understanding of:
– Security risks in standard implementations.
– The use of Service Principals.
– Azure Key Vault & secure environment variables in Power Automate.

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