Extending Model-Driven Apps: What Choices do you have and how Should you Decide?

Known and loved for years, model-driven apps always have had several ways of being extended by pro-code developers. The increased popularity of low-code brought additional extensibility methods for makers: just think about business rules, Power Automate flows, and low-code plugins as the newest addition.

Pro-devs love their plugins and form scripts, because it “just works and has always worked”, low-code developers want to take advantage of what the platform is offering them. Is there a right and a wrong here?

  • How: compare the options in specific scenario’s, looking at advantages and disadvantages
  • Who: for low-code and pro-code developers wishing to look beyond their current skillset, and solution architects who might end up taking the design decision
  • Why: being able to decide objectively (beyond one’s own skillset and bias) on the implementation approach significantly improves the quality of the solution

Join Vivian and Yannick, both Solution Architects with one coming from a low-code and the other from pro-code, on a tour of the possible. They will show you their decision-making process on why they pick one over the other, and in what situations, which will help you make more informed decisions in the future!

Benefits of Attending this Session:

  1. Low-code tools vs pro-code – When to choose what?
  2. Examples of decision making processes.
  3. Learning why “I have always done that” leads to solution bias.
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