How to Extend the Power Platform using Azure Services

Enterprise Low Code Application Platforms (LCAP), such as Microsoft Power Platform, are being increasingly adopted by professional developers. Gartner predicts, “by 2023, over 50% of medium to large enterprises will have adopted a Low Code Application Platform as one of their strategic application platforms.” With growing interest and adoption of low code platforms with professional developers, this one-day workshop will focus on the professional developer-centric view of Power Platform in conjunction with the extensibility that Azure offers. Our focus will be on developer topics, such as parameter scopes, data types, data optimizations, delegation, concurrency, delayed load, and more.

We also look at Chrome DevTools, App Checker, and tools like Monitor and Tests that developers typically expect of an application platform.

Benefits of Attending this Tutorial:

  1. End to end review of platform components including Power Apps, Dataverse, Automate and Virtual Agents
  2. Composite patterns that combine Power Platform and Azure
  3. How a low-code/ no-code platform, Azure extensibility and ALM best practices can significantly improve overall productivity
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