Tag: Cosmos DB

Working with CosmosClient in Azure Functions
Working with CosmosClient in Azure Functions
Blog Posts

Azure Functions allows you to inject an instance of the DocumentClient class to perform, read or write operations on your CosmosDB. This concept is known as input binding and there are multiple bindings available for various Azure resources (See Azure Functions triggers and bindings concepts). Unfortunately, there is no input binding for the new CosmosClient class that is part of the .NET SDK v3. In… READ MORE

Azure Function to Store csv Data in Cosmos DB
Azure Function to Store csv Data in Cosmos DB
Blog Posts

This is a http trigger function written in C# – .NET Core 3.1. It processed a csv file and store the data on Cosmos DB GitHub repo : https://github.com/hansamaligamage/fncsvdatastore Technology stack .NET Core 3.1 on Visual Studio 2019 Azure functions v3 and Azure Cosmos DB table API Some code snippets Retrieve the database storage account Create… READ MORE