Adding FontAwesome to SPFx React project
Adding FontAwesome to SPFx React project
Blog Posts

Introduction I love the FontAwesome library and use it on many projects. I was a huge fan of FontAwesome 4.0 and had a little struggle moving over to using 5.0 + 6.0 in my projects. I was use to the old way of including the link to the CSS files and using the class names.… READ MORE

Paging for SPFx Solutions with PnP Pagination Control
Paging for SPFx Solutions with PnP Pagination Control
Blog Posts

Overview Paging is a nice way to get faster access to data as well as give a nice user experience to browse through huge data. While working with SharePoint lists and libraries having a huge number of items or documents paging makes the navigation through data easy. In this article, we will explore using the… READ MORE

GitHub codespaces + SPFx
GitHub codespaces + SPFx
Blog Posts

In this blog post we will have a look at how we can use GitHub codespaces to do development related to SPFx. The concepts that are mentioned in this blog post run in parallel with the details shared in this brilliant article on Visual Studio codespaces by Paul Schaeflein. In this 2 part series we will start… READ MORE

SPFx — What can it do for us?
SPFx — What can it do for us?
Blog Posts

This post is the continuation from my previous post “SharePoint Framework (SPFx) — An Overview”. In this post, I am going to focus on capabilities of SharePoint Framework. Basically, what SPFx can do for us? SPFx provide us with three types of components that we can build, Web parts, Extensions, and Library Components. Let’s explore… READ MORE

Integration @PnP/Graph and SPFx – 1
Integration @PnP/Graph and SPFx – 1
Blog Posts

I am planning to write series of articles to cover the @PnP/Graph artifacts. I am starting with @PnP/Graph/Users object.Article provides the steps how to integrate PnP Graph in SPFx and best practices to initialize the class and call methods.The SharePoint Development community also known as PnP Community.An open source initiative coordinated by SharePoint engineering.Let’s Start: Create a new web… READ MORE

Conditional Rendering of SPFx ListView Command Sets
Conditional Rendering of SPFx ListView Command Sets
Blog Posts

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) are simply put a framework that allows us to create client side extensions for Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. One of the extensions we can make is the ListView Command Set extension, which interacts with items selected in a list. For example, we can create an extension that adds a command to the… READ MORE

Using the Latest Microsoft-Graph-Client in SPFx
Using the Latest Microsoft-Graph-Client in SPFx
Blog Posts

Lately, I’ve been looking at improving at understanding some of the challenges of developers when it comes to Microsoft Graph development, especially in the OneDrive and SharePoint space, including the SharePoint Framework. When we are looking at the simplicity that provides the SharePoint Framework when it comes to using the Microsoft Graph, it looks amazing,… READ MORE

Implement Expand Collapse in SPFx with JavaScript
Implement Expand Collapse in SPFx with JavaScript
Blog Posts

Overview Expand / collapse (aka Accordion) is a very common requirement in SPFx web parts. There are various npm packages available for implementing this. In this article, we will explore implementing expand / collapse functionality in SPFx using plain JavaScript. Although the implementation is with plain JavaScript, it can also be used with React based… READ MORE

Me Experience in Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph Toolkit and SPFx
Me Experience in Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph Toolkit and SPFx
Blog Posts

Microsoft Graph Toolkit and SPFx. Create the Me Experience as explained in the blog by Waldek Mastykarz using Microsoft Graph Toolkit with React and SPFx This blog is a short walkthrough of the sample created for the Me Experience with the Combine multiple web parts in a single tab of a personal Teams app approach The sample covers: Microsoft Graph Open Extensions Microsoft… READ MORE