Service Locator pattern in SPFx: Using Service Scopes
Service Locator pattern in SPFx: Using Service Scopes
Blog Posts

I have written about this topic in the past but with the recent increase in SharePoint Framework adoption and with more features becoming available (e.g. MSGraphClient, AadHttpClient), I felt it would be a good time to revisit this. With SPFx solutions getting more complex day by day and with lots of components to manage, passing… READ MORE

SPFx: Don’t (always) start from scratch
SPFx: Don’t (always) start from scratch
Blog Posts

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a development framework for the modern SharePoint experience. It’s platform-agnostic, working on both PC and Mac, and is based on open source technologies such as Node.js, Gulp, Webpack, and Yeoman. With SPFx, it’s possible to add web parts to classic and modern pages with responsive and accessible controls. The performance is reliable and it’s possible… READ MORE

Add Google Charts into SharePoint Framework Web Part
Add Google Charts into SharePoint Framework Web Part
Blog Posts

This post is based on the question in sp-dev-docs repo. The question is how can we render a Google Charts in SPFx web part. Actually, it’s pretty easy thing to do. As a starting point I’ll be using the code provided in the question I mentioned above: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> google.charts.load(“current”, {packages:[“corechart”]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart()… READ MORE

SharePoint Framework - Develop First Client Side Web Part
SharePoint Framework – Develop First Client Side Web Part
Blog Posts

Overview Client Side WebParts developed using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) are the future of the modern SharePoint. Client-side WebParts are developed using modern UI standards, modern JavaScript tools, and libraries. They run inside the context of SharePoint page and are responsive in nature. Features of SPFx Client Side Web Parts Lightweight – Developed using JavaScript libraries and HTML… READ MORE