Text to speech in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part
Text to speech in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part
Blog Posts

This article provides steps to implement the Text to speech feature in the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part Create a new web part project Open power shell and run following comment to create a new web part by running the Yeoman SharePoint Generator When prompted: Enter the webpart name as your solution name, and then… READ MORE

Be Careful Revoking SharePoint SPFx Service Principal Grants
Be Careful Revoking SharePoint SPFx Service Principal Grants
Blog Posts

When building SPFx webparts which connect to the Graph API, or other 3rd party API’s, you have to grant the appropriate permissions to the ServicePrincipal used by SPFx, which is called “SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal” – see Request permissions to an Azure AD application. There are a few ways you can do this; Declarative permissions request by… READ MORE

A SPFx Table Of Contents Extension for SharePoint
A SPFx Table Of Contents Extension for SharePoint
Blog Posts

A SPFx table of contents for your SharePoint modern pages to direct the readers where they need to be, in addition to making your pages more reader-friendly. On your SharePoint pages, using a table of contents can be useful to direct the reader to exactly where they need to be, in addition to making your… READ MORE

AngularJS - How to Use in SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
AngularJS – How to Use in SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
Blog Posts

In this post, I will show you how to use AngularJS in SPFx. I have divided the steps for better understanding.Here are the steps: 1.    Create SPFx Project with No JavaScript Web Framework 2.    Add Dev Dependencies 3.    Remove some Dependencies 4.    Run “npm install” 5.    Modify “config.json” 6.    Create folder called “app” under “/src/webparts/angularjsWebpart/”… READ MORE

SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part III
SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part III
Blog Posts

Introduction The SharePoint Design is a beautiful web site that provides design guidance on beautiful and fast sites, pages, and web parts with SharePoint in Office 365. Unfortunately, the SharePoint Design site does not tell you how to create the beautiful web parts they show you. This series is intended as a companion to the SharePoint Design site, providing you… READ MORE

SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part II
SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part II
Blog Posts

Introduction The SharePoint Design is a beautiful web site that provides design guidance on beautiful and fast sites, pages, and web parts with SharePoint in Office 365. Unfortunately, the SharePoint Design site does not tell you how to create the beautiful web parts they show you. This series is intended as a companion to the SharePoint Design site, providing you… READ MORE

SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part I
SharePoint Framework Design Series: Layout Patterns — Part I
Blog Posts

Introduction The SharePoint Design is a beautiful web site that provides design guidance on beautiful and fast sites, pages, and web parts with SharePoint in Office 365. Unfortunately, the SharePoint Design site does not tell you how to create the beautiful web parts they show you. This series is intended as a companion to the SharePoint Design site, providing you… READ MORE

Nicole Enders interviews Vesa Juvonen
Nicole Enders interviews Vesa Juvonen
Blog Posts

Community Reporter Nicole Enders interviews Vesa Juvonen, Senior Program Manager, OneDrive – SharePoint Engineering. Video Transcript Nicole: Okay welcome to the ESPC 2019 we are sitting here at the community reporter booth I have Vesa here as my interviewee. Vesa: Thank You for having me. Nicole: You’re a principle program manager at Microsoft so for… READ MORE

SPFx: Don’t (always) start from scratch
SPFx: Don’t (always) start from scratch
Blog Posts

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a development framework for the modern SharePoint experience. It’s platform-agnostic, working on both PC and Mac, and is based on open source technologies such as Node.js, Gulp, Webpack, and Yeoman. With SPFx, it’s possible to add web parts to classic and modern pages with responsive and accessible controls. The performance is reliable and it’s possible… READ MORE