Granting API permissions requests for SPFx
Granting API permissions requests for SPFx
Blog Posts

While developing an SPFx solution and you want to use an API, such as the Microsoft’s one like Graph API or SharePoint or other custom APIs, you have to register the permission needed in Microsoft Entra ID. First of all you need to know which permissions you need, for example if you want to use… READ MORE

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen - SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

HOT SEAT with Vesa Juvonen – SharePoint Framework (SPFx) In this rapid fire Q&A Hot Seat, Vesa Juvonen, Principal Product Manager, Microsoft, answers questions on SPFx pre-install, dependencies, and the technical stack. The discussion covers the advantages and disadvantages of tightly coupling SPFX with SharePoint online. Vesa is a principal product manager at Microsoft, located… READ MORE

Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects
Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects

Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects Join Anoop Tatti, MVP, and watch this webinar recording to learn all about Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects! Webinar Description – ‘Using Open AI API in SharePoint Framework Projects’ Do you want to translate your SharePoint content quickly and accurately, without sacrificing nuance? If… READ MORE

Using MGT with SPFx
Using MGT with SPFx
Blog Posts

  Overview Microsoft Graph Toolkit (MGT) components can now be easily used with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solutions to build the solutions quickly with fewer coding efforts. In this article, we will explore how to use the MGT components in SPFx solutions. MGT Overview Microsoft Graph Toolkit (MGT) is a collection of reusable components to work… READ MORE

Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start
Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start

Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start Join David Ramalho, MVP, and watch this webinar recording to learn all about how to start transforming SharePoint forms with SPFx! Webinar Description – ‘Transforming SharePoint Forms with SPFx: How to Start’ SharePoint is a powerful collaboration platform used by organisations of all sizes to manage content,… READ MORE

Consuming Google drive API from MS Teams App
Consuming Google drive API from MS Teams App
Blog Posts

It’s not uncommon for companies to have multi cloud setup and use both M365 and GSuite. MS Teams supports a data provider for Google drive but, the search experience there is quite poor. In such setup it can bring a great value to implement search across both M365 and Google Drive indexes and expose it… READ MORE

More flexible SPFx development with simple react app
More flexible SPFx development with simple react app
Blog Posts

If You are working on a big project based on SPFx You might have already thought about a way to simplify reusability of Your components and maybe speed up the development process a little bit. SharePoint Framework is a great tool but sadly, it doesn’t scale so well, especially when it comes to sharing functionality… READ MORE

SPFx Debugging Page Reloader
SPFx Debugging Page Reloader
Blog Posts

Whenever we want to debug an SPFx webpart on a site page we always search for the localdebug URL i.e.,  ?loadSPFX=true &debugManifestsFile=https://localhost:4321/temp/manifests.js   and append it to the site page. Many times it is not very handy as the port number might be different and there might be additional query parameters appended to the URL. I… READ MORE