Where on Earth is my Data? Multi-Geo Capabilities in Microsoft 365

Based on experience working with several multi-national companies working across data borders, this session is a deep dive into the Multi-Geo capabilities of Office 365, explaining what Multi-Geo is, what it should and shouldn’t be used for, how it’s configured and how it affects services such as Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint.

We’ll take a deep dive into the effects of Multi-Geo on the services that implement this feature and more importantly, we’ll look at where Multi-Geo falls short and help you understand what happens to data that doesn’t fall under its control. Overall, we’ll help you answer that burning question… “Where on earth is my data?”

Benefits of Attending this Session:

  • Understand how Multi-Geo can help you achieve your organisation’s data residency compliance needs
  • Understand how Microsoft implements multi-geo across the supported services
  • Understand the limitations
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