Tag: SPO

Import Excel Data To SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Import Excel Data To SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Blog Posts

Introduction In this article, we will go through the steps required to import the Excel file data to SharePoint online list using PnP PowerShell. There are a lot of ways to import the data, but for this article, we will stick to PowerShell way. Here the credit goes to person Danile Finke who developed the Import… READ MORE

Updating List Properties Using Flow
Updating List Properties Using Flow
Blog Posts

Introduction In this article, we will go through how to update the list column based on requests on other lists. Here I have 2 lists, one is requests and the other is countries. In the requests list ‘Country’ is a look up column. Here the property ‘RequestCount’ contains the count of requests based on ‘Requests’… READ MORE

Gearing up for SharePoint Online Project? Here are a Few Things to Remember
Gearing up for SharePoint Online Project? Here are a Few Things to Remember
Blog Posts

The first 3 of 9 things to remember when gearing up for SharePoint Online Projects: 1. SharePoint Apps are not your typical web parts, there are limitations related to functionality and branding
2. Be careful with promised custom functionality in your workflows, you are limited to out of the box workflow actions
3. Sites created by apps (aka app sites) are limited in functionality, for example tools such as SharePoint Designer and many 3rd party migration tools are not able to connect to them.