Please Tech

Please Tech a Microsoft Certified Partner, specialises in collaborative document review and authoring solutions designed to transform the key business process of producing quality documents. Our products are integrated with SharePoint, enhancing its native capabilities by providing users with a seamless experience when creating, co-authoring and reviewing documents. From component-based authoring and content re-use through to controlled, collaborative document co-authoring and review, companies gain a valuable process enhancement that demonstrably saves them time and money, provides users access to extensive, easy-to-use functionality and gives the IT department a scalable enterprise solution which can drive adoption of the SharePoint system. Our flagship product, PleaseReview™, is a proven collaborative review and co-authoring solution for Microsoft® Word® and other document types. PleaseReview facilitates simultaneous, secure and controlled collaboration on the review of a document across the organisation and externally with third parties. In addition to its unique collaborative review environment, it offers full management and control over the document, comment and change reconciliation, comprehensive reporting and is available standalone or integrated with SharePoint and other document and content management systems.PleaseTech has satisfied customers ranging from small consultancies to global organisations and across multiple industry sectors.For more information visit: or email:

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