Microsoft Syntex – Art of the Possible and Lessons Learnt

Organisations using Microsoft 365 are waking up to the potential of SharePoint Syntex to have a dramatic impact on their business. Syntex provides AI capabilities to ‘read documents for you’, allowing your Microsoft tenant to recognise your individual document types, extract meaning, and automate processes – with these ingredients the possibilities are endless. We’ve implemented Syntex to read safety reports, risk assessments, project plans, and more. We are learning a lot about how things work in practice and the pitfalls that will cost you time or lead to poor results.

In this session we’ll discuss potential use cases, what you can expect from Syntex, key decision points, and down to important tips such as how to work with documents containing tables. Over the course of several demos, we’ll walk through the end-to-end of creating and tuning Syntex AI models, building automations, and even advanced scenarios such as adding Power BI dashboards to drive process compliance.

We’ll complete the session with a discussion on licensing and roadmap, so you leave armed with everything you need to get achieve more with SharePoint Syntex.

Benefits of Attending this Session:

  • Discussion of different Syntex use cases informed by real world implementations
  • End-to-end demos of building Syntex AI models
  • Licensing and roadmap information
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