Tag: Ignite

Watch ESPC20 Online Panel Discussions
Watch ESPC20 Online Panel Discussions
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MVP Panel Discussion on Microsoft Ignite Announcements. Join Chris O’Brien, Christian Buckley, Eric Overfield, Karoliina Kettukari, Maarten Eekels and Sasha Kranjac as they discuss key Microsoft Ignite announcements. Power Platform Discussion Join Ahmad Najjar, Chris Huntingford, Daniel Laskewitz, Martin Kleynhans, Heather Newman and Serge Luca as they discuss the Power Platform. Microsoft Azure Topics from Ignite Join… READ MORE

Latest from Microsoft Ignite for IT Pros

Microsoft Ignite once again brings in a plethora of announcements, changes, new features, new services and things to keep track of. This session will highlight what’s essential, tell you what’s interesting and shine light on things you might have missed during the week of Ignite. If you’re a IT Pro working with Microsoft Azure, Office… READ MORE

Latest on SharePoint Development from Product Group – Patterns, Models, Roadmap

SharePoint is about to go through one of the biggest transformations from development perspective since the introduction of Feature Framework back in SharePoint 2007 version. This session is around covering the latest direction and guidance form the product group related on SharePoint Online and SharePoint on-premises. We’ll talk about the reasoning behind of the latest changes from the customisation perspective and what are the future directions with SharePoint. If you are a SharePoint developer in SharePoint Online or in on-premises, this is a session for, which explains where we are heading and why.

Be more productive with the new Office 365 features

Take an hour with Jeremy Thake, VP of Product Technology at Hyperfish, to find out all the hottest news from Ignite for end users. Jeremy will strip through all the IT Pro nonsense you don’t need to know, wipe out any coding stories you just don’t care about. Get down to the new functionality in Office 365 that will make you a better user! Let Jeremy do all the detective work for you so you can get back to doing the job you’re paid to do!