Tag: Intranet

Mastering the Art of SharePoint: Say Goodbye to Content Duplication With These Proven Methods for Displaying Information Across Sites!
Mastering the Art of SharePoint: Say Goodbye to Content Duplication With These Proven Methods for Displaying Information Across Sites!

Mastering the Art of SharePoint: Say Goodbye to Content Duplication With These Proven Methods for Displaying Information Across Sites! Join Sari Soinoja, MVP, and watch this webinar recording to learn all about mastering the art of SharePoint and say goodbye to content duplication with the proven methods for displaying information across sites that Sari demonstrates!… READ MORE

The importance of celebrating employees on your intranet
The importance of celebrating employees on your intranet
Blog Posts

One of the essential aspects of creating a motivational work environment requires celebrating successes across your company. The pandemic brought distance to the normal work-office environment. Face-to-face interactions and working side by side with colleagues, suddenly, were no longer possible and in many cases still remain in effect. Everyone has different opinions when it comes… READ MORE

Configure EDGE to support your intranet
Configure EDGE to support your intranet
Blog Posts

You’ve deployed an Intranet and you wish to support the promotion to the end user : the web browser is THE entry point for that. Assuming your company uses EDGE, let’s see which configurations you can push to end users by GPO or Intune. What you can configure via GPO for Edge 1 : Show /… READ MORE

How to Launch an Intranet Quickly
How to Launch an Intranet Quickly

**Download here** Launch the intranet of your dreams, fast Launching an intranet, or upgrading your old company intranet, can feel overwhelming – and that’s without the added complication of having to implement one quickly. Getting the basics right from the start will be the difference between success and failure for your project. This eBook will… READ MORE

Top 7 KPIs to Measure the Success of your Intranet
Top 7 KPIs to Measure the Success of your Intranet
Blog Posts

In today’s world, many companies use Microsoft SharePoint® to fulfill two important goals: (1) to have a content management and storage system and (2) to host the intranet of the company. It’s the second goal that interests us the most in this article: SharePoint® based intranets. An intranet centralizes access to enterprise information and applications.… READ MORE

A social intranet boosts employee engagement
A social intranet boosts employee engagement
Blog Posts

The key to higher productivity, cost-efficiency and profitability lies indisputably with your co-workers. Or to be more precise – in their commitment to your business. If you can strengthen their engagement and enthusiasm, productivity is guaranteed to surge. A social intranet has proved to be one of the best means of tapping into your organisation’s… READ MORE

SharePoint Online Essentials
SharePoint Online Essentials

SharePoint Online Essentials gives an overview over features that users should understand to be able to work efficiently in Office 365 SharePoint. It is written by Microsoft certified SharePoint expert and trainer Peter Kalmström, who has published several books on SharePoint and Office 365 features. SharePoint Online Essentials describes the modern as well as the… READ MORE