Tag: JavaScript

Migrating Azure Functions from JSDoc JavaScript to TypeScript
Migrating Azure Functions from JSDoc JavaScript to TypeScript
Blog Posts

I wrote previously about how to implement a dynamic redirect mechanism for Azure Static Web Apps using Azure Functions. I implemented this using JSDoc JavaScript. I’ve since migrated this to TypeScript and I thought it would be interesting to share the process. Why migrate from JSDoc JavaScript to TypeScript?​ As regular readers will know, I’m both… READ MORE

More flexible SPFx development with simple react app
More flexible SPFx development with simple react app
Blog Posts

If You are working on a big project based on SPFx You might have already thought about a way to simplify reusability of Your components and maybe speed up the development process a little bit. SharePoint Framework is a great tool but sadly, it doesn’t scale so well, especially when it comes to sharing functionality… READ MORE

Trigger A SharePoint Workflow From JavaScript
Trigger A SharePoint Workflow From JavaScript
Blog Posts

Intro Sometimes, we get the requirement to start a SharePoint workflow from JavaScript code or have to rerun a work on all existing list items and want to give an easy option to users to trigger a workflow on all items, then this the solution will help you. We’re basically triggering a workflow from JavaScript code… READ MORE

Implement Expand Collapse in SPFx with JavaScript
Implement Expand Collapse in SPFx with JavaScript
Blog Posts

Overview Expand / collapse (aka Accordion) is a very common requirement in SPFx web parts. There are various npm packages available for implementing this. In this article, we will explore implementing expand / collapse functionality in SPFx using plain JavaScript. Although the implementation is with plain JavaScript, it can also be used with React based… READ MORE

JavaScript Detecting Key Combinations
JavaScript Detecting Key Combinations
Blog Posts

The other day we built this cool tool to detect which key was pressed.And as you may have seen, it could only register one key at a time. Today I want to look at how we can capture some combination of keys. This version will be based on only modifier keys and 1 specific key. The… READ MORE

Let’s start TypeScript – Part 1
Let’s start TypeScript – Part 1
Blog Posts

TypeScript isn’t really a new language, it’s a way of writing code in the next generation of JavaScript before it’s fully supported by all browsers. By the time that browser support for ES6 is there, we’ll be all writing TypeScript using ES9 features that ‘transpile’ down to ES6 code! Of course, there are cool features of the typescript… READ MORE

Building your personal Office 365 assistant
Building your personal Office 365 assistant
Blog Posts

Imagine having a personal Office 365 assistant in your daily job routine, which can help you provide all information that you need, like for example who is your manager, scheduling a meeting, displaying and updating your profile picture or list the Microsoft Teams where you are involved and so on. These are only a few… READ MORE