Tag: Microsoft

Virtual Eye Vision With HoloLens
Virtual Eye Vision With HoloLens

Virtual Eye is a vision technology that provides virtual sight to the visually impaired by recognizing people and the environment around using AI and AR capabilities of Azure. This session explores the technologies implemented along the Azure Kinect device to perform body tracking and image recognition in real-time, and translate this information in vocal instructions that describe the world around the user.

The New Normal and Microsoft Teams
The New Normal and Microsoft Teams

Join us for an overview of the new features and functionality coming to Teams as well as a look at how customers are leveraging this platform to support a new normal for their users worldwide.

Creating Multi-Tenant Based Solutions with Microsoft Graph and Azure AD
Creating Multi-Tenant Based Solutions with Microsoft Graph and Azure AD

In this session, we will see how we can leverage the creation of multi-tenant based solutions using Microsoft Graph to consume Office 365 and Azure Services and the Azure Active Directory to be the responsible for the authentication and security/permissions solution, giving to the developers different approaches to connect through those services in a secure way and having a way to develop a product to be delivery to multiple customers at the same time.