Tag: .NET

Building a gRPC Client in .NET
Building a gRPC Client in .NET
Blog Posts

Introduction In this article, we will take a look at how to create a simple gRPC client with .NET and communicate with a server. This is the final post of the blog series where we talk about building gRPC services. Motivation This is the fifth part of an articles series on gRPC. If you didn’t… READ MORE

Why model binding to JObject from a request doesn’t work anymore in ASP.NET Core 3.1 and what’s the alternative ?
Why model binding to JObject from a request doesn’t work anymore in ASP.NET Core 3.1 and what’s the alternative ?
Blog Posts

Introduction Json.Net (NewtonSoft) has been for a long time the most used JSON serializer in .NET world. Since .NET Core 3 and ASP.NET Core 3 Microsoft introduced a new one named System.Text.Json. JObject is a class that belongs to Json.Net (NewtonSoft) and if this latest is replaced by System.Text.Json, in this case you should expect that using JObject will no longer work. Unfortunately I have had… READ MORE

ASP.NET Core - How to digitally sign your JWT
ASP.NET Core – How to digitally sign your JWT
Blog Posts

When we decide to use JWT in our API’s and Frontend SPA, we need to use an algorithm when issuing a token. There are several options for subscribing to the JWT. It must be symmetrical or asymmetric. Probabilistic or deterministic. See in this article how to sign your JWT and tips on using them. When generating a JWT, it… READ MORE