Tag: Permissions

Build Resilient Apps with Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy
Build Resilient Apps with Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy

Build Resilient Apps with Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy Join Garry Trinder from Microsoft for an insightful webinar that will show you how you can build resilient apps with Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy. Webinar Description: Build Resilient Apps with Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy You’ve poured your time and energy into developing an exciting new app, and… READ MORE

Zero to Hero: Become a Teams Ninja and Master Teams Sprawl
Zero to Hero: Become a Teams Ninja and Master Teams Sprawl

Zero to Hero: Become a Teams Ninja and Master Teams Sprawl Join Tracy van der Schyff in this webinar recording on mastering Microsoft Teams, the central hub of Microsoft 365, and gain valuable insights into how to manage the Teams Sprawl effectively and foster a well-organised digital workspace. Webinar Description: Microsoft Teams has become the… READ MORE