Tag: WebPart

Modern SharePoint Web Parts: Embed, Kindle, YouTube
Modern SharePoint Web Parts: Embed, Kindle, YouTube
Blog Posts

This fourth article of our series on Modern SharePoint Web Parts focuses on a set of web parts which allow you to embed code to render some external content on a modern SharePoint page. The Kindle and YouTube web parts allow you to preview books or videos on your page via embed codes from those services. And… READ MORE

Add Google Charts into SharePoint Framework Web Part
Add Google Charts into SharePoint Framework Web Part
Blog Posts

This post is based on the question in sp-dev-docs repo. The question is how can we render a Google Charts in SPFx web part. Actually, it’s pretty easy thing to do. As a starting point I’ll be using the code provided in the question I mentioned above: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> google.charts.load(“current”, {packages:[“corechart”]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart()… READ MORE

SPFX client-side web part with the WebPart Properties
SPFX client-side web part with the WebPart Properties
Blog Posts

The Modern SharePoint Framework have a new WebPart Properties pane. The property pane allows end users to configure the web part with a bunch of properties. The property pane has three key metadata: Pages Pages provide you the flexibility to separate complex interactions and put them into one or more pages. Pages then contain Header… READ MORE

Displaying Corporate News with the Content Search Webpart
Displaying Corporate News with the Content Search Webpart
Blog Posts

What is the most important content of a Corporate Intranet? Of course it’s the menu of the factory canteen and the Corporate News. Although it would be worthwhile to have a close look on how to implement the menu, I will focus on the Corporate News in this blog post. If you create a corporate intranet you’ll probably use several site collections. In most cases the Corporate News is going to be displayed on the intranet’s home page and the news items are stored in a generic list or in an announcements list.

Redirect SharePoint Natively with a Content Editor Webpart
Redirect SharePoint Natively with a Content Editor Webpart
Blog Posts

It can be a pain as you reorganize your site and try to get users to update their links.

Here’s a handy way to do a redirect without editing anything server side. Not that that’s what you should do in SharePoint any way.

Add this snip of code below to to the content editor web part in HTML view on the page you want to redirect from. You will likely want to change the header bar to none to hide the web part as well.

Code Snip: Edit the URL and time as desired.