Month: August 2016

Stephane Eyskens' MVP Takeover
Stephane Eyskens’ MVP Takeover
Blog Posts

Stephane Eyskens is a senior technical architect working with SharePoint since 2006 and mainly focusing on Office 365 and Azure PaaS for the past two years. As technology is constantly in movement, the Cloud became his priority over any kind of on-premise architectures. He specialises in Azure Active Directory Applications and platform as a service… READ MORE

Putting People in Their Place
Putting People in Their Place
Blog Posts

Assuming the provocative title has piqued your interest into reading the first paragraph, then let me explain… I actually believe that people are the heart of an organisation, but organisations are more than just people. Of course there are all the elements of WHAT an organisation does, HOW it does it and a whole bunch… READ MORE

Global Pharmaceutical Improves Artworks Efficiency By 60%
Global Pharmaceutical Improves Artworks Efficiency By 60%
Blog Posts

FlowForma enabled our Pharmaceutical client to streamline their artwork process, delivering numerous benefits back to the business. FlowStudy Summary Process: Artwork Management Pain Points:• Recurring artwork errors in a very complex and heavily regulated process• Pressure to meet timeframes• Poor visibility of process progress• Zero traceability / oversight Benefits:• 60% efficiency improvement• Simple to use,… READ MORE

Someday Soon My Developer May Be a Microservice in the Cloud
Someday Soon My Developer May Be a Microservice in the Cloud
Blog Posts

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is not really a new thing, but growing popularity of private and public cloud-based microservices pushes this idea to the next level of software architecture and design. This article explores what microservices are, why their use is increasing and how using them may change the role of traditional software developers. A… READ MORE

Intranet Discrimination
Intranet Discrimination
Blog Posts

At the risk of going on too much about the issue of accessibility enabling applications; here is my current state of thinking regarding the tendency for organisations to want to strongly brand and apply accessibility rules to an internally facing SharePoint application (as opposed to a SharePoint website). It’s written a white paper… We often… READ MORE

The Cycle of Hype and Diffusion of Innovation
The Cycle of Hype and Diffusion of Innovation
Blog Posts

Using the cycle of hype to explain the diffusion of innovation. I’ve been thinking about intranets and user adoption. And not for the first time. We absolutely love Cloudbase, our intranet even though it is one to two generations behind Hadron 8020, the Enterprise Intranet we sell. We know that our clients love their Hadrons,… READ MORE

Let’s have a Dialog about the Dialog API
Let’s have a Dialog about the Dialog API
Blog Posts

It is finally here… the Dialog API! If you have ever built an Office add-in and dealt with authentication, pickers or something of that sort; I’m sure you will understand how great this is. But it’s not just for authentication, with the new Dialog API – we can build some pretty brilliant experiences. This is… READ MORE