Category: Framework

Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6: Performance Improvements
Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6: Performance Improvements
Blog Posts

Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) Preview 6 was released and it contains a bunch of performance improvements by reducing unnecessary roundtrips to the database and by improved queries. Please note: most of the improvements here are tight to Microsoft SQL  Server. First, let’s start with a simple example. Inserting a single record Let’s consider the following code… READ MORE

SOLID Web Parts with SharePoint Framework
SOLID Web Parts with SharePoint Framework
Blog Posts

The principles of SOLID are guidelines that can be applied to software development to improve legibility and maintainability of software applications. This article by Stefano Tempesta, MCC & MVP, explores best practices and design patterns for developing SharePoint SOLID Web Parts in TypeScript, using the new client-side SharePoint Framework, and improving compliance to the five SOLID… READ MORE

Custom modern page header and footer using SharePoint Framework
Custom modern page header and footer using SharePoint Framework
Blog Posts

NOTE: SharePoint Framework Extensions (such as application customizers) used in this blog post are currently in developer preview and are limited to Office 365 developer tenant sites only. Back in 2015, I published a post on this blog detailing the steps for implementing a custom site header and footer using a SharePoint-hosted add-in. The add-in contained: 1. An add-in… READ MORE