Category: General

Categories and tags are the two default taxonomies that we use at the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community website. By design, all posts must be filed under at least one category. As you can imagine, ‘General’ is where we can list almost any topics that is not filed under the other subject headings.

However, some subjects are wide and broad in subject and need to be included in our blog, but don’t quite fit under the existing taxonomies. Hence the ‘General Category’. Content covered can vary from a .NET Runtime for AOT to a SharePoint Conference North America Keynote Summary, Pulse Survey or monthly top SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure resources.

Virtual Eye Vision With HoloLens
Virtual Eye Vision With HoloLens

Virtual Eye is a vision technology that provides virtual sight to the visually impaired by recognizing people and the environment around using AI and AR capabilities of Azure. This session explores the technologies implemented along the Azure Kinect device to perform body tracking and image recognition in real-time, and translate this information in vocal instructions that describe the world around the user.

Power Automate & PowerApps - Working With Solutions
Power Automate & PowerApps – Working With Solutions
Blog Posts

In Power Automate on Power Platform, there are three keys in implementing digital transformation that you can apply. One is leveraging an application in Dynamics 365 suite like Sales, Customer service apps and other application that is available which is prebuilt by Microsoft. Next, is AppSource were vendors build an application using Power Platform. And the last… READ MORE

Watch ESPC20 Online Panel Discussions
Watch ESPC20 Online Panel Discussions
Blog Posts

MVP Panel Discussion on Microsoft Ignite Announcements. Join Chris O’Brien, Christian Buckley, Eric Overfield, Karoliina Kettukari, Maarten Eekels and Sasha Kranjac as they discuss key Microsoft Ignite announcements. Power Platform Discussion Join Ahmad Najjar, Chris Huntingford, Daniel Laskewitz, Martin Kleynhans, Heather Newman and Serge Luca as they discuss the Power Platform. Microsoft Azure Topics from Ignite Join… READ MORE

Microsoft Blazor
Microsoft Blazor

Blazor provides a fresh take on web development by eliminating the need for you to learn different languages and frameworks for client- and server-side development. Blazor allows C# and .NET to be used on all sides, providing a robust feature set that is well suited toward scalable, enterprise-level applications. Download Chapter 2: Data Binding. This… READ MORE

ASP.NET Core - How to digitally sign your JWT
ASP.NET Core – How to digitally sign your JWT
Blog Posts

When we decide to use JWT in our API’s and Frontend SPA, we need to use an algorithm when issuing a token. There are several options for subscribing to the JWT. It must be symmetrical or asymmetric. Probabilistic or deterministic. See in this article how to sign your JWT and tips on using them. When generating a JWT, it… READ MORE

Heather Newman interviews Spencer Harbar
Heather Newman interviews Spencer Harbar
Blog Posts

Heather and Spencer discuss SharePoint migrations and hybrid scenarios at ESPC19. Video Transcript Heather: Hello everyone from ESPC19 Heather Newman here from Prague with the lovely and talented Spencer Harbar hello. Spencer: Hello everybody welcome. Heather: Yeah so, we’re at the end of day what date day two date you yes you know when you… READ MORE