Category: General

Categories and tags are the two default taxonomies that we use at the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community website. By design, all posts must be filed under at least one category. As you can imagine, ‘General’ is where we can list almost any topics that is not filed under the other subject headings.

However, some subjects are wide and broad in subject and need to be included in our blog, but don’t quite fit under the existing taxonomies. Hence the ‘General Category’. Content covered can vary from a .NET Runtime for AOT to a SharePoint Conference North America Keynote Summary, Pulse Survey or monthly top SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure resources.

How does Copilot for Microsoft 365 work? Data flow of a prompt.
How does Copilot for Microsoft 365 work? Data flow of a prompt.
Blog Posts

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered tool that helps users to be more productive by providing personalized, relevant, and actionable responses. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key features that enable Copilot to deliver such accurate results, including the Semantic Index, the distinction between Tenant Boundary and Service Boundary, Grounding, and the… READ MORE

Text-to-Speech and Audio Playback in Power Apps using Azure and Power Automate
Text-to-Speech and Audio Playback in Power Apps using Azure and Power Automate
Blog Posts

Capabilities like text-to-speech (TTS) and audio playback can take your applications to new heights of user engagement and accessibility. In this blog post, we’ll look at integrating text-to-speech and audio playback functionalities into Power Apps using Power Automate and Azure Speech Services. Whether you’re looking to provide dynamic narration, streamline communication, or enhance accessibility, this… READ MORE

Connecting Microsoft Outlook to model-driven Power Apps
Connecting Microsoft Outlook to model-driven Power Apps
Blog Posts

One of the great and long standing features of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (aka CRM) is the integration with Microsoft Outlook. Using the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook you can synchronize contacts, link meetings and appointments and track emails against records so they will show up in the timeline. What about Power Apps? Did you… READ MORE

Microsoft Fabric - Data Activator Triggers and Alerts
Microsoft Fabric – Data Activator Triggers and Alerts
Blog Posts

The key components of Microsoft Fabric are: Nothing ground-breaking about that statement, but which of these components are you least familiar with? I bet your last mouse-click it’s the one at the bottom of the list, poor old (or should I say young) Data Activator. It’s the juvenile sibling at the Fabric dinner table that… READ MORE

Proactive Defense from tomorrow’s Cyberthreats
Proactive Defense from tomorrow’s Cyberthreats

Wondering how to combat the growing complexity of cyberthreats? In this whitepaper, we uncover the common data security missteps in today’s cyber era and how proactive defense keeps business data safe from an ever-changing threat landscape. Read here.

[Whitepaper] Proactive Defense from Tomorrow's Cyber Threats
[Whitepaper] Proactive Defense from Tomorrow’s Cyber Threats

Discover how to combat the growing complexity of cyber threats in this whitepaper. Cybercriminals are developing new, sophisticated ways to compromise their targets faster, from supply chain attacks to AI-powered ransomware-as-a-service toolkits. To effectively safeguard your business (and data) from emerging threats, today’s organizations must think like an attacker, adopting strategies and proactive methodologies that… READ MORE