
Sharepointalist is proud to present Navigator 365 app for SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. This is a document center app displaying aggregated content with rich search, grouping, filtering, and layout capabilities.

  • Navigator 365 implementation significantly improves the documents’ discoverability, helping users quickly locate the right resource in HR, Sales and Marketing, IT and many other departments.
  • Navigator 365 saves employees time on any communication portal by allowing users to search and navigate to the document right from the home page of the portal, even when you have hundreds of documents and many document libraries and folders.
  • Navigator 365 helps see the bigger picture in Microsoft Teams by displaying documents from across many teams and channels on a single dashboard with sophisticated search and filtering capabilities.
  • Navigator 365 helps navigate extra-large document libraries. By combining folder search filtering and document search capabilities, Navigator 365 helps find the right folder and document in a few clicks.
  • Navigator 365 provides a unique way to navigate through the documents based on Taxonomy tagging.

Download this app directly from Microsoft AppSource at or from our website at

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