Use Delve to Drive Collaboration in Modern Workplace

Delve isn’t just a shiny object in the Office 365 suite and the Office Graph isn’t just a trendy topic in the world of machine learning. It is a powerful tool that can help individual contributors, managers and executives be more efficient in discovering and finding content, knowing what their colleagues and reports are focused on and understanding the general heartbeat of their business. And the Office Graph is a transformational information source that can drive more powerful experiences both inside and outside of Office 365. In this session, Adeel and Usman will talk about the new features and experiences in Delve that help uncover insights about people, groups and organizations. Come and Learn about what’s new and up-coming in Office 365 Connectors and the Office Graph roadmap. See the latest personal analytics features and our early learnings from customers and partners, and take a detailed look at the metrics that make up the personalised insights around time and relationships as well as the customer controls and adoption best practices around these new capabilities.

Benefits of Attending this Session:

  1. Delve Analytics and Office Graph Overview
  2. Delve Analytics Roadmap
  3. Collaboration in the modern workplace


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