Send a message to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph in SPFx

Send a message to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph in SPFx
Send a message to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph in SPFx

A few days ago, I got a challenge that required me to send a message from a SharePoint page into a Microsoft Teams chat and that can be achieved using Microsoft Graph. I created a blank SPFx project and this post will go to the most important elements. You can also take a look at a sample webpart that I built using this process.

First, you need to add to the package-solution.json the required scopes for the Microsoft Graph can make the required calls. These are the scopes:

    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "ChatMessage.Send"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "Chat.Create"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "Chat.ReadWrite"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "User.Read"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "User.ReadWrite.All"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "Directory.Read.All"
    "resource": "Microsoft Graph",
    "scope": "Directory.ReadWrite.All"

For this webpart to be able to make the calls, you will need to approve this scopes on your SharePoint. Then we need to make 4 calls to Microsoft Graph:

  1. Get the user Id of the user that is sending the message. Get a user – Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
    • GET =>
  2. Get the user Id of the user that will receive the message. Get a user – Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
    • GET => {id | userPrincipalName}
  3. Get the chat Id, behind the scenes, a connection between 2 users contains a chat, and we need to get their chat Id. Note that if a chat already exists it will add a message on top of the existing chat. Create chat – Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Docs
    • POST =>
  4. Send the message to the user. Send chatMessage in a channel or a chat – Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Docs
    • POST =>{id}/messages

You can check all the required code on the following link.

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About the Author:

My name is David Ramalho and I’m currently part of  Storm Technology Ltd family where I’m part of the Modern Workplace team.

In the past, I worked at BindTuning as a Support engineer and then as SharePoint development. The reason for creating this blog is to share tricks that can help on a daily basis for managing your SharePoint in different areas.

All the tricks, comments are welcome and feel free to contact me in case those tricks help, could be improved, say hello, etc.


Ramalho, R. (2021). Send a message to Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Graph in SPFx. Available at: [Accessed: 14th September 2021].

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