Tag: Azure Week

Building a Chatbot with Azure AI and C#/.NET
Building a Chatbot with Azure AI and C#/.NET
Blog Posts

Introduction Chatbots have become increasingly popular in various applications, from customer support to virtual assistants. Azure AI provides powerful tools for creating intelligent chatbots that can understand and respond to user queries. In this article, we’ll explore how to build a chatbot using Azure AI services and C#/.NET, step by step, with practical examples and… READ MORE

How to get started with Microsoft Sentinel – best practices from the field
How to get started with Microsoft Sentinel – best practices from the field

How to get started with Microsoft Sentinel – best practices from the field Join Dominik and learn how to get started with Microsoft Sentinel, a cutting-edge security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution. This webinar is designed to equip security professionals, IT administrators, and decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of… READ MORE

Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation with Azure Cosmos DB
Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation with Azure Cosmos DB

Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation with Azure Cosmos DB Join Olena for this insightful webinar ‘Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation with Azure Cosmos DB’ as she delves into the transformative world of modern database approaches and the power of Azure Cosmos DB. In this digital age, traditional database structures are being left behind… READ MORE

Azure Container Apps - Deployment with a customized Container Image and a Comparison to Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Apps – Deployment with a customized Container Image and a Comparison to Azure Container Instances
Blog Posts

The intention of this post is to create Azure Container Apps deployment and to explain how it differentiates to Azure Container Instances for this specific context 1. Introduction In this post, I’d like to show, how to create a deployment of an Azure Container App – using a customized Container Image, which is managed by an Azure Container Registry. To figure… READ MORE

Getting Started With Rust and Redis
Getting Started With Rust and Redis
Blog Posts

In this blog post, you will learn how to use the Rust programming language to interact with Redis using the redis-rs client. We will walk through commonly used Redis data structures such as String, Hash, List etc. The Redis client used in the sample code exposes both high and low-level APIs and you will see both these styles in action. Code… READ MORE

Azure Key Vault and Power Automate
Azure Key Vault and Power Automate
Blog Posts

Can you keep a secret? Have you tried using Azure Key Vault with Power Automate? here is an overview of the Azure Key Vault connector. The Azure Key Vault Table of Contents The Azure Key Vault The Azure Key Vault Connector Decrypt and Encrypt data I’ve create an Azure Key vault to keep hold of my secrets. The… READ MORE

How to use Integrated Cache feature of Azure Cosmos DB
How to use Integrated Cache feature of Azure Cosmos DB
Blog Posts

First, you need to be sure that you have the latest version of Cosmos SDK in your solution. Currently, preview version has the integrated cache options.  Other versions will work too as long as you use Eventual Consistency for you request. You can not change Integrated Cache options with the older versions of SDK. Next,… READ MORE

Azure App Services with Private Link
Azure App Services with Private Link
Blog Posts

In one of my videos on my YouTube channel, I discuss Azure App Services with Private Link. The video describes how it works and provides an example of deploying the infrastructure with Bicep. The Bicep templates are on GitHub. If you want to jump straight to the video, here it is:https://www.youtube.com/embed/yRIC2U-Vnts?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent In the rest of this blog post, I… READ MORE