Tag: Azure

Azure Container Apps - Deployment with a customized Container Image and a Comparison to Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Apps – Deployment with a customized Container Image and a Comparison to Azure Container Instances
Blog Posts

The intention of this post is to create Azure Container Apps deployment and to explain how it differentiates to Azure Container Instances for this specific context 1. Introduction In this post, I’d like to show, how to create a deployment of an Azure Container App – using a customized Container Image, which is managed by an Azure Container Registry. To figure… READ MORE

Cloud Security Handbook
Cloud Security Handbook

This chapter will review the importance of having a hybrid cloud strategy to allow organisations to adopt cloud services and hybrid solutions. It will also explore the various IAM solutions from AWS, Azure and GCP, which allow organisation to have a central directory service so that they can keep a single identity for each end… READ MORE

Sending Per User Notifications using Azure Functions SignalR Service Output Binding
Sending Per User Notifications using Azure Functions SignalR Service Output Binding
Blog Posts

In this post, let’s have a look at how to send user Notifications using Azure Functions SignalR Service output binding. I already have an Azure SignalR Service and Azure Function setup. My client app is an Angular application. In my Azure Function, I have the Negotiate function as follows. public static class NegotiateFunction {     [FunctionName(FunctionNames.Negotiate)]     public static SignalRConnectionInfo Run(         [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, “get”, “post”, Route = null)] HttpRequest request,         [SignalRConnectionInfo(             HubName = “%SignalR_HubName%”,             UserId = “{headers.x-application-user-id}”,             ConnectionStringSetting = “SignalR_ConnectionString”)] SignalRConnectionInfo connectionInfo)… READ MORE

How to Deploy to Azure with Least Privilege
How to Deploy to Azure with Least Privilege
Blog Posts

In this post we’ll walk through the steps you can take to give a Service Principal a role with “Least Privilege” in Azure. After reading this article you will have a very practical method that you can use over and over again. You will be able to create roles for your Service Principals that will… READ MORE

Connecting Azure SQL Server with Azure Machine Learning
Connecting Azure SQL Server with Azure Machine Learning
Blog Posts

Accessing data in different data sources is one of the main tasks in machine learning model development life cycle. Let’s discuss one of the most common data accessing scenarios. Scenario : We have to set of relational data points stored in a Azure SQL server to develop a machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning.… READ MORE