Tag: Bicep

Share Bicep modules with private registry
Share Bicep modules with private registry
Blog Posts

A common problem for many organizations is to share and consume infrastructure templates. Many ended up with a storage account in Azure, but that had some limitations around versioning and sharing of secrets. Directly consuming templates from a Git repository is another option. However, that’s not exactly problem-free either. For example, what happens if a… READ MORE

Azure App Services with Private Link
Azure App Services with Private Link
Blog Posts

In one of my videos on my YouTube channel, I discuss Azure App Services with Private Link. The video describes how it works and provides an example of deploying the infrastructure with Bicep. The Bicep templates are on GitHub. If you want to jump straight to the video, here it is:https://www.youtube.com/embed/yRIC2U-Vnts?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent In the rest of this blog post, I… READ MORE

Bicep code snippets for WVD!
Bicep code snippets for WVD!
Blog Posts

Yesterday, a couple of code snippets I contributed to Bicep 💪, were merged in the latest Bicep CLI version 0.3.310! Super cool to see this in action myself for the first time. What does it allow you to do? Bicep is the DSL which allows you to create Azure Resources in a declarative way. The… READ MORE

Introduction to Azure Bicep v 0.4.x
Introduction to Azure Bicep v 0.4.x
Blog Posts

Azure Bicep is the new domain-specific language to deploy your resources in Azure using a declarative syntax. The main difference with ARM templates, Bicep uses a more concise syntax and helps you to scale your deployment without having to pull out your hairs.Since version 0.3, in March 2021, Bicep is supported Microsoft Azure support plans.… READ MORE