Tag: footer

11 Footer Designs for SharePoint Modern Pages
11 Footer Designs for SharePoint Modern Pages
Blog Posts

When we think of a SharePoint site page, we want it to be not only beautifully designed, but also functional. The footer of the page is one of the essential, strategic components that can be both helpful and nice-looking. So first of all, before going into designs, let’s think about the functional features. We at ShortPoint believe… READ MORE

Custom modern page header and footer using SharePoint Framework
Custom modern page header and footer using SharePoint Framework
Blog Posts

NOTE: SharePoint Framework Extensions (such as application customizers) used in this blog post are currently in developer preview and are limited to Office 365 developer tenant sites only. Back in 2015, I published a post on this blog detailing the steps for implementing a custom site header and footer using a SharePoint-hosted add-in. The add-in contained: 1. An add-in… READ MORE