Tag: Node JS

How to Start a Node.js Project
How to Start a Node.js Project
Blog Posts

Sometimes I write blog posts to remind myself what I’ve learned and sometimes I write them because someone else shares something and I want to remember that better. This post is one of the latter. STARTING A NODE.JS PROJECT Usually when I start a new Node.js project I use npm to generate my initial project. npm init… READ MORE

Let’s start TypeScript – Part 1
Let’s start TypeScript – Part 1
Blog Posts

TypeScript isn’t really a new language, it’s a way of writing code in the next generation of JavaScript before it’s fully supported by all browsers. By the time that browser support for ES6 is there, we’ll be all writing TypeScript using ES9 features that ‘transpile’ down to ES6 code! Of course, there are cool features of the typescript… READ MORE

Building your personal Office 365 assistant
Building your personal Office 365 assistant
Blog Posts

Imagine having a personal Office 365 assistant in your daily job routine, which can help you provide all information that you need, like for example who is your manager, scheduling a meeting, displaying and updating your profile picture or list the Microsoft Teams where you are involved and so on. These are only a few… READ MORE

Displaying toast notifications with SharePoint Framework Extension Application Customiser and Webhooks
Displaying toast notifications with SharePoint Framework Extension Application Customiser and Webhooks
Blog Posts

SharePoint Webhooks was the main topic of the previous article, in this article I’ll talk about the same topic, using it with SharePoint Framework extension application customizer for displaying toast notifications. This is the final result: This solution offers the possibility to display toast notifications on the modern view, which is definitely really useful to keep informed… READ MORE