Tag: Office 365 Tenants

How many Teams I have in my Office 365 Tenant?
How many Teams I have in my Office 365 Tenant?
Blog Posts

Collecting the complete list of teams in your Tenant is something that you need to do, monitor, keep track or apply some customization to the existing collection of Microsoft Teams. The reasons could be various, but the ability to have a summary is, in fact, an added value in terms of functionality. Microsoft Graph API… READ MORE

Securing a React Application with Azure AD which consumes a REST API also Secured with Azure AD to Manage Office 365 Tenants
Securing a React Application with Azure AD which consumes a REST API also Secured with Azure AD to Manage Office 365 Tenants
Blog Posts

Series: 1. Securing React App with Azure AD (this post) 2. Setting Up Azure Key Vault with an Azure Website (Web API) 3. Running tenant specific operations (Create modern site, etc) 4. Leveraging Office PnP Core to Create Communication Sites with Saved Page Templates ____________________________________________________________________________ Last year, I had an idea, I wanted to create a… READ MORE