Tag: Speakers

My experience in Stockholm #ESPC15: Day 1 Keynotes
My experience in Stockholm #ESPC15: Day 1 Keynotes
Blog Posts

With the ESPC16 Call for Speakers just closed, we thought we would have a look back and give you an insight into the conference. In this article, Alexandre Ferreira, Head of SharePoint Development for Storm Technology, describes what it was like attending ESPC15 in Stockholm and what were his personal highlights.

The One Thing: Steve Fox and SharePoint 2010
The One Thing: Steve Fox and SharePoint 2010
Blog Posts

Steve Fox, Director of Developer and Platform Evangelism at Microsoft, shares his thoughts on the one thing that people need to know about SharePoint 2010. This is part of ‘The One Thing’ video series produced by Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) and the Axceler team.