Tag: Sponsors

Why Sponsor at ESPC18?
Why Sponsor at ESPC18?
Blog Posts

Are you looking to reach key decision makers in the SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure space? Then the European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference is the place for you. Here you can find one of the largest SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Expo Halls in Europe, showcasing innovative solutions and exciting product/service updates. Connect… READ MORE

The One Thing: Steve Fox and SharePoint 2010
The One Thing: Steve Fox and SharePoint 2010
Blog Posts

Steve Fox, Director of Developer and Platform Evangelism at Microsoft, shares his thoughts on the one thing that people need to know about SharePoint 2010. This is part of ‘The One Thing’ video series produced by Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) and the Axceler team.

The Unanswerable Question
The Unanswerable Question
Blog Posts

One of the most-asked SharePoint questions has absolutely nothing to do with technology: How do we get started? Whether I am presenting on managed metadata and taxonomy, social computing, governance, or migration planning, someone in the audience inevitably asks this question. It happened again this weekend while presenting my session ‘How SharePoint 2010 Stacks up to Your End User Social Media Requirements’ at the 3rd annual SharePoint Saturday Los Angeles event. I shared vignettes into a SharePoint environment where search is optimized, where taxonomy management and proactive governance take center ring, and where end users have been trained on how to use the platform and how to request changes.

Improving SharePoint Search: How to Increase Content Findability in 5 Simple Steps
Improving SharePoint Search: How to Increase Content Findability in 5 Simple Steps
Blog Posts

SharePoint is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in organizations as a method to manage content. Of course, no content management system is complete without an excellent search function whereby the model always serves up the exact set of relevant documents demanded by the user. While this ideal is not always attainable in practice, SharePoint’s search functionalities can be customized to achieve vast improvements in the overall search experience.

How to Improve SharePoint Search with Best Bets in SharePoint 2010
How to Improve SharePoint Search with Best Bets in SharePoint 2010
Blog Posts

SharePoint has become an integral part of many enterprise content management solutions, with a reported adoption rate of 78% percent of Fortune 500 companies as of this writing. The software is attractive due to its clean UI, collaboration tools, seamless integration with Microsoft Office, and the ability it gives IT administrators to deploy and securely manage intranet, extranet and Internet sites from one centralized platform.

Five Web Parts Which Bring Life to Your Intranet
Five Web Parts Which Bring Life to Your Intranet
Blog Posts

An intranet build on SharePoint can offer several social features which motivates employees to interact vividly and socially with one another. We in Webtop have assigned ourselves the difficult task to choose among these and pick out five web parts which, we find, in particular bring social to the intranet. This blog post will introduce to these five special web parts.

Storage Optimisation for SharePoint
Storage Optimisation for SharePoint
Blog Posts

Sarju Raja, VP EMEA, AvePoint, outlines some key considerations for SharePoint storage to ensure that all business objectives can be met without breaking the bank.

The amount of data businesses are required to store is growing at an exponential rate. In fact, a study released by research firm IDC, “Extracting Value from Chaos,” states the world’s data is doubling every two years. This rapid growth of data certainly applies to organisations utilising Microsoft SharePoint, and is driving a growing need for an effective storage infrastructure that must fulfil several important needs: support scalability, offer simple and robust management capabilities, and can’t break the ba

Five SharePoint Storage Performance Killers and How to Fix Them
Five SharePoint Storage Performance Killers and How to Fix Them
Blog Posts

SharePoint is an excellent collaboration platform – so good, in fact, that many organizations see extremely rapid adoption. But, as user adoption increases, so does the amount of data that must be stored in SharePoint, including large files and multiple versions of files. While rapid adoption indicates effective collaboration, this content explosion can easily outstrip SharePoint’s basic storage configuration. This causes an outcry both from end users, who complain about SharePoint’s slow performance, and SQL DBAs, who protest that SharePoint is taking up too much expensive server space and processing power. All of this can lead to dissatisfaction with a once-loved platform.

The One Thing: Mike Fitzmaurice and SharePoint 2010
The One Thing: Mike Fitzmaurice and SharePoint 2010
Blog Posts

Mike Fitzmaurice, VP of Product Technology at Nintex (@mikefitz) shares his thoughts on the one thing that people need to know about SharePoint 2010. This is part of ‘The One Thing’ video series produced by Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) and the Axceler team.