The Real Jasper Oosterveld

Jasper Oosterveld Speaker, Author and Bungee Jumping Streaker from Amsterdam. Read on to find out more…

Jasper & Sanna

1. What do you do in your spare time?
Apart from doing too much SharePointing I love to walk with my dog, watch movies and TV shows and travel the world.

2. Favourite TV show?
At the moment Game of Thrones but all-time favourite is The Wire for sure! Ground-breaking television. David Simon is a genius.

3. Favourite Book?
Lord of the Rings. One word: Epic!

4. Favourite Movie?
That’s a really difficult question! I frequently change my mind about this question but for now it’s The Empire Strikes Back.

5. Apart from a career in SharePoint what would be your dream job?
Saving wildlife in Africa

6. Who is the biggest party animal in SharePoint?
I am still a rookie in SharePoint Party Land but I have seen that Seb Matthews knows how to party!

7. Who is the biggest troublemaker in SharePoint?
Bjørn Furuknap for sure. I have never seen anyone write such long replies and go into so many SharePoint discussions. You need troublemakers though.

9. Where would be your ideal holiday location?
A tropical island far away from civilization. No loud noise from traffic and people’s ringtones! Sounds like heaven to me. This sounds strange from a guy living in the centre of Amsterdam, I realize that.

10. Have you any hidden talents?
I don’t even know where to start! Is it juggling with one hand? Is it driving blindfolded? Or streaking at football games? You decide.

11. If you could go on a date with someone famous, who would it be?
Liv Tyler but only dressed as an elf.

12. You can invite 3 people, dead or alive to your dinner party. Who would they be and why?
Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damon. The coolest men in the world.

13. If you were stranded on a tropical island and could only bring 3 things with you what would they be?
A tent for camping, a book about how to survive on a tropical island and Wilson the Volleyball.

14. What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Believe in yourself

15. What was the last thing you ate?
A sandwich. Pretty rock & roll right?

16. Who is your hero?
My wife for putting up with all my nonsense and geekness.

17. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
That’s too embarrassing to share!

18. What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
Bungee jumping in New Zealand from a gondola ski lift at 134 meters.

19. What part of your daily routine can you not live without?

20. If you could do one thing to change the world what would it be?
Ban greed from everyone’s mind.

21. Biggest fear?
An alien invasion

22. Favourite song?
Led Zeppelin – Rock and Roll. Cannot sit still when I hear that song! Fricking amazing!

23. If you could choose anyone to be your mentor who would it be?
Jedi Master Yoda, who else?

24. If you could share the stage with anyone in SharePoint who would it be?
Dan Holme for sure. One of my favourite SharePoint speakers.

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