Category: SharePoint 2013

Wikipedia states that SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially between organisations.

According to Microsoft, SharePoint 2013 makes it easy to work together securely on documents and team projects. SharePoint lets users explore features and support options that are available for SharePoint, and get tips for using SharePoint to manage your teams and projects efficiently.

In this category, learn everything from troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 to
Digital transformation and beyond.

Therefore, this category is full of handy tips, tricks, advise and How To videos specifically for SharePoint 2013 users. Check out some of the Step by Step features, expert blogs, eBooks, How To videos and webinars.

Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve
Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve
Blog Posts

Last year Paul Olenick, Microsoft MVP, published a blog all about Delve and the Office Graph for the European SharePoint Conference. In that post, Paul included one paragraph about how to exclude content from Delve. In this blog we’ll explore that topic more deeply in terms of Privacy, Security and Compliance with Delve.